Anonymous asked 7/31/2016 This guy always hangs around me and idk if he likes me. He always talks to his friends before talking to me. He also offered to buy me a soda? Btw he never flirts with other girls, does he like me?
Nikki Lana asked 7/31/2016 This one friend really really betrayed me, and a year later she is trying to contact me. I want to not be really friends with her (I know it sounds mean). I dont want to get hurt again though?
Nikki Lana asked 7/31/2016 Is it weird that I'm 13, but I haven't had a real crush (3rd grade, but...)?
Nice Girl asked 7/31/2016 Hey everyone, lately I've not been feeling good, bad thing happening , I just want to kill my self, I feel so alone, I just wish I had a boyfriend, be an online one , it's all not going well, I feel so lonely and just so bad..
Lilly Gray asked 7/31/2016 One of my older brothers friends has died. The boy who died was only 12, and was shot. My brother is not coping well. I too am shaken, but how can I comfort my brother?
Anonymous asked 7/29/2016 I want to invite a guy who likes me to my bday party, is this leading him on?
Anonymous asked 7/29/2016 My girlfriend told me that her friend invited her to a movie date with her boyfriend and her boyfriends friend and she asked me what's my opinion on it? how can I clarify if she's not going on a date with the boyfriends friend?
Anonymous asked 7/28/2016 He works at a grocery store, first time I saw him, he smiled, I smiled back. I didn't think of it much but the 2nd/3rd time I went, he was staring at me and smiled when I saw him. But the way he looking was like he was waiting for me?
Anonymous asked 7/28/2016 I'd like to get a foreign (English speaking) girlfriend, but my friend who is native in English and I are trying to get the same girl. What should I do to get her despite of the fact that I'm having a disadvantage in language?
Anonymous asked 7/27/2016 Dancing. Boyfriend developed a turn for himself, he twirls around fast 3 times, leaves me standing, to get out of his way. How to tell him this is not etiquette and irritates me?
Anonymous asked 7/27/2016 I came out to my sister that im very close to. 100% accepting yet shes had no comments or questions about it. Has this ever happened to anyone? Is it me just expecting too much?