Jaimie JT asked 8/19/2016 Do you have someone you admire with a boat load of passion ? I do ... I got invited to his last show Tomoz night and I'm only asking this Q so I can remember the way I feel tonight :)
Jann Nikka asked 8/19/2016 Do you have a relative or your mother or mother-in-law, "All Up" in your personal business all the time, at every family meeting?
Darik Majoren asked 8/19/2016 Do you see events in your life (good or bad), as Destiny, Somewhat Guided (opportunities for testing one's faith), Situations or Circumstances that happen out of your control? (**I will not comment on answers unless asked**)
Anonymous asked 8/19/2016 A guy that I last saw when I was in 4th grade, went up to my sister and told her that I was his girlfriend. Is he interested or was he just joking? Please help!!!!
Zack - Mr. GenXer asked 8/18/2016 Have you ever been in a relationship that you thought was "rock solid", but turns out it was far from it?
Anonymous asked 8/18/2016 How would you describe a person like this? Someone who gets into relationships and neglects their partner after a while to the point where they get dumped and wonder what they did wrong.
Rosie Velcro asked 8/18/2016 I'm only 5 feet tall but weigh 105. I never used to worry about it, but my sister who is 10 years older than me looks a lot thinner than me. So does her 6"3 husband. I'm a teenager so it's clearly not "puppy fat"?
Anonymous asked 8/18/2016 Girl at my school. She's screaming for no apparent reason,and whispers creepy stuff, she also keeps on asking me where I live. It's creepy! I live in a small town, but it seems like she follows me! The girl is almost 19, with muscles.I'm just 14?
Anonymous asked 8/17/2016 In the past I've had a problem with falling for my boyfriends brothers/best friends.. terrible I know. Well I have a perfect bf now whom I love but I'm starting to find an attraction to his best friend. How do I stop this. I try to shut it out but I'm even starting to have dreams about him! I don't even talk to him, I've talked to him like twice!
Megan goodgirl asked 8/17/2016 Is it possible to sleep with a guy? just sleep with him ? and not have sex?
Anonymous asked 8/17/2016 This woman gave me something in my hand and didn't quite move it right away. Then she grabbed my hand and said that they were cold. What does this mean? And she also had her hand around my waist while walking.
Anonymous asked 8/16/2016 What does it mean every time you see a certain person and they smile and say your name or nick name?
Anonymous asked 8/16/2016 refer to the 4 spheres of risk behavior all and evaluate discussing the negative impact on yourself and others?