Abbey Lynn asked 5/6/2012 How old is too young to lose your virginity? My friend is fretting her big moment
July Christiana asked 4/30/2012 Who is the person you admire the most? Please give specific details and examples in your explanation.
mirumanu None asked 4/25/2012 I have a hard time finding girls to talk to, most of my friends are guys. Any suggestions?
Annie Warren asked 4/7/2012 Me and my boyfriend are both 15 and recently we started talking about sex, i'm a virgin and he isn't, he won't pressure me and will wait till i'm ready and i think i am, what should i do?
Anonymous asked 3/30/2012 I have a huge crush on my best friend's Mother. What is the best way to resolve this situation?
need help asked 3/21/2012 My boyfriend treats me like rubbish and I feel like I am walking on shells to please him. I know I should breakup with him but i cant bring myself to do it?
Kati Adamson asked 3/10/2012 What do you do when someone (relative) offends you and NOTHING you say will make him stop being extremely nasty to you? P.s. IGNORING DOESN'T WORK! (at all.) ergh...
Cheryle Masters asked 3/3/2012 What would you do if you were trying to make amends and the person got into defense mode and was not accepting of your apology? Would you walk away? Or, stay and fight? Why?
trever nelson asked 2/27/2012 I am dating a hot girl and do not know how to convince her to have sex?