Anonymous asked 12/18/2012 What would be a good hook sentence to start off my persuasive essay? My topic is as follows "What do teens need most?" I really can't come up with a good enough attention-grabber to keep my audience interested. Please help!
Anonymous asked 12/8/2012 I Need To go to the Dr but we don't have the money and my mom refuses to take me til we do, I know for A fact I need to go, how can I convince her since I'm only 15?
Judy Bloom asked 12/4/2012 This is for women? What was your first time like? Did hurt was good or bad?
Maxine Chan asked 12/3/2012 Would you rather date someone new or get back together with your ex? Ever done both? How was your experience with each one? Which one did you like better?
Anonymous asked 11/17/2012 Im a 19 year guy and i met a 13 year old girl is it morally wrong or illegal to do stuff with her except sex?
Constance Chapman asked 11/11/2012 I'm 38 and recently split up with my husband. I am deliberately avoiding meeting new men and I can only take people in small doses. I do what I have to do in the way of interaction and then I just want to be left alone. Is this normal?
Maxine Chan asked 11/10/2012 Is focusing on yourself selfish? What if you want a boyfriend and/ or a job?
Anonymous asked 11/8/2012 Is it normal to feel more okay when u alone than when u with your friends , to feel insecure around them and always wish the clock could skip some minutes when you with them but when you have not been around them in a long time you start missing them?
Maxine Chan asked 11/5/2012 Why do people believe in rumors and gossip? I think it just creates a divide between people. Why not just get along?
Anonymous asked 10/30/2012 Me and my best friend jack were having a conversation one day and we were staring into each others eyes and then we leaned in and suddenly we were kissing then he pulled away and mumbled a quick sorry and blushed. What do i do is he in love with me?
Anonymous asked 10/30/2012 I have a boyfriend. I just found my friend likes him all of a sudden. She sounded like she didn't care that we are dating. I'm getting really mad about it. What should i do?
Maxine Chan asked 10/28/2012 Have you ever felt bullied from former friends that you refuse to ever hang with friends ever again? How come?