Anonymous asked 7/26/2014 My girlfriend and I told eachother that we love eachother, but she won't respond to my messages! Why?
Anonymous asked 7/26/2014 Do men like girls who can talk about sex freely? I'm an innocent looking girl, shy, conservative with my body, I don't want to have sex yet with anyone at all, yet I talk and know sex stuff like a pro. Is it ok?
Anonymous asked 7/26/2014 I have depersonalization disorder and I want to know how to cure it. I want to kill myself to make it stop but I am not depressed and don't even want to die. What can I do to get rid of depersonalization disorder?
Kayra Night asked 7/25/2014 I have little confidence when talking to new people. I'm at a festival by myself and I really want someone to hang out with but I don't know anyone here. How can I make friends?
Anonymous asked 7/25/2014 My impotence is permanent, and always was-so why were you so cruel in your answers? I didn't deserve it.God made me like this. It's not my fault!
Anonymous asked 7/25/2014 I tried to talk to my cousin's friend through Facebook and it did not work. I messaged him how he was and how his day was. Then I messaged him to hangout sometime and both times no answer. I want to try one more time any help?
Hannah Kennedy asked 7/25/2014 I had decided that I thought it was weird to have a boyfriend at my age but I still have a huge crush on this guy. I don't know if I should respect my rules or just go for it, any suggestions?
Anonymous asked 7/24/2014 My boyfriend wants me to f*** him "hard" from the top. I don't know how, can't do anything on how either. Any suggestions, please?
Carmina Fuentes asked 7/24/2014 I am a teacher who wants the best for my students. Confidence building is something my student has a conflict with. What are some really good tips I can share for him to apply it personally?
Anonymous asked 7/24/2014 My boyfriend is lying to me and hiding things from me. Is there a way that I can recover photos he deleted or a way to find out who he's texting? Please help me. I don't want to be in a relationship with someone who's lying to me.
Anonymous asked 7/24/2014 My ex bf is a violent alcoholic and he keeps stalking me...what should I do?
Anonymous asked 7/23/2014 I don't know if I'm just a tomboy, or a possible transgender? I often wish I was a boy and get jealous of people who are. And the fact I'm currently confused about my sexuality doesn't help either.