Anonymous asked 8/8/2014 What is the best way to forget a person after she has texted that the relationship is ended with you?
Dave Power asked 8/8/2014 How do I find a considerate woman that will let me dress fem (probably maidy) and let me do their housework? They all think there has to be a sexual angle and there just isn't. I'm near Bristol UK?
Anonymous asked 8/7/2014 What's the best way to get over a relationship when you're not the one who ended it?
Anonymous asked 8/7/2014 What does bae mean? A lot of people say it I think its stupid and unnecessary I'm just wondering
Anonymous asked 8/6/2014 Why do poor people hate me? I'm upper-class and whenever I'm being driven somewhere people give me dirty looks.
Anonymous asked 8/6/2014 Should I stay with a woman who loves having me perform oral sex on her but tells me "I don't do that" when I ask her to return the favor?
Anonymous asked 8/5/2014 I have been seeing a woman off and on for 9 months now and during that time I am the only one who kisses but only am allowed to kiss her on her cheek. She said she doesn't kiss. Period. Is that normal? She is 64 years old, widowed, has had numerous exes (former lovers) compared to me and has three grown daughters by different men. She doesn't kiss me even on the cheek and when asked why answers, "That's the way I am. Take it or leave it!" Forget about my trying to persuade her otherwise. I am lucky she allows me to even kiss her face. Period.
Jessi Kendall asked 8/3/2014 My friend told me to listen to a band called Blood On The Dance Floor (she hates them) and asked me what I think, I said they weren't that bad and she started cursing at me and now she's been ignoring me because I said they weren't that bad! Any advice?
Anonymous asked 8/2/2014 I'm almost 25 and still a virgin, how common is this? I'm not looking for reassurance, I am just curious.
Anonymous asked 8/2/2014 Could you trust someone who frequented prostitutes and had a lot of affairs in his last relationship? And you can see shady things in the current?
Anonymous asked 8/2/2014 There is a friend I like, but hasn't made a move. He always pays for me, has said I have a beautiful smile, has given me advice, and has called me adorable whenever I asked for advice on a new look. Does he like me? And if he does, now what?
kayla jkeoe asked 8/1/2014 Ok, so my aunt recently got married and my now uncle has quite a few nephews and that makes them my cousin-in-laws but I really like one of them and want to date him and I think hes feeling the same thing. Were also the same age. Is this wrong?
Anonymous asked 7/31/2014 I love a girl in my class but our sections are different. I am too shy in going in front of her and can't talk till she talks to me. She is 14/15 years old. Please help me overcome my shyness make her a friend?