Chocolatey Goodness asked 7/14/2015 I'm confused as to what "to a fault" means. If I say, "He's sarcastic to a fault," does that mean he's a little too good at being sarcastic so that it turns into a bad thing?
Anonymous asked 7/7/2015 What do you think of the name Jimmy Arlo Douglas? That's the full name including surname. Not James, just Jimmy.
Missy Mae asked 7/3/2015 Which name do you like most: Caroline Adella Garcia, Caroline Evelyn Garcia, Caroline Ava Garcia, Caroline Faye Garcia, or Caroline Selene Garcia?
Anonymous asked 6/23/2015 What are the similarities and/or differences between these three words: combining, compiling, and compressing?
Ray Dart asked 6/19/2015 A question for the 'Stateside people here. What is "A Mickaboo full of Bojanes"? I asked here 4 or 5 years ago, and no-one knew the answer - it was mainly Brits on the site back then. Please don't Google (although Google may not help anyway).