Anonymous asked 1/27/2015 What are some of your favorite names? What are some names you can't stand? Just for fun For example, I love Adrian and I HATE Paisley.
Carla Diogo asked 1/13/2015 Can someone please translate this for me? Thanks 우리나라에선 이영자씨 다알죠~~ 개그우먼 이에요!! 방송에 나온지도 오래됏어요 !! 한국에 좋아하는 사람이 잇다니 신기하네요 ㅎㅎ
Taylor Brookes asked 11/16/2014 I really want to change my name, but I can't choose what to change it to. I've narrowed it down to these: Harley, Brianna, Quinn, Morgan, Ella. Which are your favourites? Would a hyphenated first name and surname be too much? Thanks in advance!
David Haule asked 11/16/2014 Business without communication - it is like a tree without roots. Discuss?
Anonymous asked 11/14/2014 how do you say and write " thank you very much for your kindness " in chinese?