TRACE WILSON asked 4/12/2017 I start my GED class today but I'm bad in grammar and spelling ..anyone knows any online sites that can do spelling on?
Fortis Paradise asked 3/23/2017 Have you ever read a self-help book? if yes,what was it and did it really help you?
HelpStop AnimalAbuse asked 3/20/2017 What was the last book you read without skipping through anything?
N. Harmonik asked 3/18/2017 How would you counter someone who's written a bad story that's full of poor spelling and grammar, telling instead of showing and illogical plotlines and who thinks that what makes a tale good or bad is only based on opinion, not facts?
Leanne Robbins asked 2/14/2017 If you had to study a foreign language which language would you study?
Anonymous asked 1/6/2017 Comic name ideas? I want to start a web comic but i have no idea what to name it. Its about a young girl who's on a quest to make her species accepted. roses and magic wil play a big role
Faith Schnarr asked 12/19/2016 I'm trying to write an airport scene. Thing is I've never been to an airport . . . :) So what does it look like? Where do you go once you get there?
Anonymous asked 12/12/2016 Ideas for a fantasy novel? Not the whole plot, just small parts that could be interesting