Jann Nikka asked 7/12/2016 Have you heard of The 5 Languages Of Love? Which one are you? From my questions and comments which one do you think, it said I was🤔?
Anonymous asked 7/10/2016 Hey everyone! I'm writing a story, so I need some advice. What are your favorite personalities in characters? What type of problems have you experienced that can help you relate to a character in a book? Any other advice? Thanks!
Anonymous asked 7/8/2016 What is a medical condition where you get severe headaches, you can go back to school, but it is potentially fatal if it gets bad. Do not give me a cancer please! This for a book I'm writing. I only need a name, I can research on my own?
Anonymous asked 6/28/2016 What is a meaning of this sentence? "It won't be something we would be interested in."
Anonymous asked 6/28/2016 What is the name of this manga? There is a younger step brother who everyone thinks is an angel. The step sister finds him smoking, but nobody believes her and the two eventually get romantically involved
stephen macha asked 6/27/2016 How do you prepare an essay in MLA style? How do you find the pages of the text on the internet. Is there a software I can use?Thanks
Nina Nina asked 6/26/2016 What's your least favorite word? Inspired by Jaimie JT :) Mines are empower and any word related to pack!
Jaimie JT asked 6/26/2016 What's your favourite word ? Mine is ticket ... Ticket ticket ticket ticket tick-et tickkkk ittttt. It's a good word.
Anonymous asked 6/24/2016 Given X=(letters of BIOLOGY) Y=(letters of PHYSICS) FIND AUB AND A KABALIKTAD TI U,B?
Anonymous asked 6/20/2016 Is it true that if you are not excellent with writing research papers throughout your entire education, your employer will fire you?