Kelly Kel asked 4/13/2016 How do I stop being homely looking so I won't be forever single? I am 20 years old, 5'6" and 148 pounds, which is pretty heavy for an Asian girl. Should I lose weight? I apologize for the photo being sideways!
Anonymous asked 4/12/2016 My best friend got a new neighbor, but she keeps trying to make me jealous with this neighbor by saying things like, "She's my new best friend!" And I don't think she knows she's doing it, but it hurts. How do I tell her to stop, nicely?
Anonymous asked 4/12/2016 My counselor said that a women's shelter would probably turn me away because they usually take in mothers with their children. How come women's shelters say they want to help kids but they would turn away a single 16 year old?
Dur Duric asked 4/7/2016 Is there any way to avoid this esthetic pressure that society makes on us, and still maintain a clear head??
Bryn Adams asked 3/16/2016 so, i might meet my online friend this summer. we're planning to run away together once we meet. but I'm so afraid to leave my family. i want to run away with her so badly but i don't know if i have the strength to do it. please give me some advice
Anonymous asked 3/15/2016 Why is this person so controlling and if I tell the person no the person wants to attack me?
Anonymous asked 3/3/2016 I was looking around in my brothers room.I found his bong and marijuana. My parents have caught my with drugs before and threatened that if he did it again they would kick him out.My brother is very old, 21 Im 13. I dont know what to do?
Lukas Karlberg asked 3/2/2016 I passed out due to lack off sleep when i woke up i could not think correctly and i felt dead. is there a good answear for this?
Lala Duke asked 2/24/2016 i need help in life. feel so lonely. i have no one to help me out.dont have friends. my parents are busy working and don't know English very well. My sister has a baby. all i do is sit alone at home. taking a couple college classes but not motivated?
Anonymous asked 2/23/2016 What English expression or word that best describes a situation "when someone who has done some favours to you in the past but now reveals it publicly to shame, embarrass or deliberately offend you"?