Dur Duric asked 6/4/2016 How do people in big cities manage to live a life of idealism/Platonism? Why and how do they transcend the people from smaller cities?
Dance like a gypsy asked 6/3/2016 Why does my mom treat me like dirt every time I accomplish something or grow older? Every birthday she treats me like trash and I just registered for college to get my degree in psychology and she's not proud of me at all.
Anonymous asked 6/2/2016 How do you express anger in such situations as: -someone pushes you in public transport or steps on your foot -you are extremely late and you’re stuck in a traffic jam -someone betrayed you, etc?
Anonymous asked 6/2/2016 How do you express anger in such situations as: -someone pushes you in public transport or steps on your foot -you are extremely late and you’re stuck in a traffic jam -someone betrayed you, etc?
Armaghan Ali asked 5/31/2016 I so want to develop reading habit but every time I decide to open up a book or daily paper, I end up boring myself so I leave it. How can I change that?
Jann Nikka asked 5/30/2016 Have YOU had a B12 shot? Not what the authorities say. But your feeling on your having had one or more. Your cost?
Anonymous asked 5/30/2016 Do you ever feel like you have a lump in your throat ? Or a feeling like cotton in our throat? i do and it's worrying me.
Anonymous asked 5/27/2016 Why do men (or women) get into relationships w/ people who have kids w/ several other people?
Brandon Thornton asked 5/26/2016 How do I tell my mom that I like wearing women's thongs for comfort? I am a 15 year old heterosexual male.
Anneof Green asked 5/23/2016 I'm 40 , do you think I should go into the radiography program or it will be too hard and take too long?
Anneof Green asked 5/22/2016 Well I'm 40 and divorced , I want to go back to school but I feel too old. i want to get a better job and be proud of myself but I'm afraid I'll get sick or something entering my 40s?
Anonymous asked 5/21/2016 Do i have Tryphophobia?Everytime I see something whit holes such as Bee Heaves or something similar i start to itch it last like for about 10 min and my heart starts racing,i start to sweat.
Jann Nikka asked 5/21/2016 Think deeply within yourself, answer honest and truthful. Are you a bully? Personal and/or online. This is just a question. Not direct at anyone.
Anonymous asked 5/19/2016 Is it wrong if I want to feel extreme emotions? I often find myself thinking about losing a loved one, being heartbroken, betrayed, miscarrying etc. I want to experience those feelings so much that I sometimes wish for those scenarios to happen.
Anonymous asked 5/18/2016 Did anyone ever try the Tria? I have annoying arm hair that doesn't work with wax or shaving. Real laser is way too expensive where I live and I wanted to try the Tria out but I'm afraid it will not work.