Chilet Pinque asked 10/31/2015 Hi, I am 5 weeks delayed and suddenly bleeding now, am I having miscarriage?
Anonymous asked 10/26/2015 This month I had my period 3 times. Each time getting heavier and a lot more painful. I am not on birth control. I am not under any stress, life has been normal. No sudden changes in my day to day life. Should I be concerned?
Angel Clarke asked 10/16/2015 My cycle is irregular & my last was Aug 30th & it ended sept 4th. I had intercourse 3 times between sept16th thru sept 23 I've been having bad headaches, cramp Oct14th I noticed spotting when I wiped. I didn't last long thought it was my cycle but it wasn't. Help?
Anonymous asked 10/11/2015 I'm 13 and for the last 2-3 days I've had brown discharge that looks like implantation bleeding but I haven't had sex and I'm not pregnant.. Is this a sign that my first period is coming really soon? I'm a little worried about it...
Anonymous asked 10/1/2015 Hello I got my period on the 10th of the month and it lastest for 4 days and then a week later I was spotting is this normal? I'm not pregnant..
Anonymous asked 9/26/2015 I just started my first period yesterday and it is so light like a really thin line and I didn't even bleed last night, is this ok?
Megan goodgirl asked 9/23/2015 Is it normal to have anxiety before your period? You get that nervous feeling because your period. Is that normal?
Anonymous asked 9/15/2015 I had a period in July but was late by one day. I had a late period in August but last for 1 day. I looking for it to come on the last Friday in September. I been regular for 5 are more years no sign of pregnant beside severe headache?
Tai Bunnyboo asked 9/6/2015 I've been stressed to the max for this passed month basically and my period used to start around the 10th, and then it changed to the beginning and now it hasn't come yet. Is my stress causing this or is it changing?
Lungo Mthalane asked 8/19/2015 Hi I've got problem. I started my period on Monday but it stopped in the afternoon but at night it started again. But now nothing happening today. What is the cause of this?
Anonymous asked 7/25/2015 I missed my period for 3 weeks now, this is the first time it happened after my survey for ovarian cyst more than year ago. I'm not sexually active. I also experience frequent heart burn?
Anonymous asked 6/28/2015 What happens when you swim with a pad? I'm not allowed to wear tampons and I have to go swimming because I'm a camp counselor. I'd wear a tight bikini so it won't float away and board shorts over.
Riley Jade asked 6/21/2015 I've had one depo shot, I was supposed to get it on the 6th and I didn't. It's now the 21st and I want to know when my periods will go back to normal. On the shot I was on a constant period?
Ryann Movie lover asked 6/16/2015 Is there anyway to get rid of my period? So I absolutely hate my period even though I don't get any cramps and I was just wondering if there's anyway to get rid of my period?
mel euter asked 6/3/2015 My period starts today and I want to stop it. How can I do so? However I took 2 norcolut this morning?
Anonymous asked 6/3/2015 My periods are every 37 days, I conceived on the 9th May, my period was due 4 days ago.. Could I be pregnant? I taken 2 tests but both said negative.. I have symptoms such as, sickness (only bad nausea), peeing a lot and tender breasts. Help?
Kagiso Bokaba asked 5/25/2015 I am having my periods for the third time this month and I don't know what is going on. The last time which was the second time this month was on Wednesday, and yesterday it started again. What do I do?