neha chopra chopra asked 6/23/2011 After having sew without condom and taken the tablet in 4 hours to stop Pregnancy after 1month periods are not started may i know why?
nesley jampas asked 6/21/2011 When is my ovulation period if may menstruation started on june 11 and ended june 16?
Courtney Nunya-Buisness asked 6/20/2011 What is the difference between tampax pearl and tampax compak pearl?
sabina iqbal asked 5/29/2011 I had a colonscopy two months ago and my periods have stopped since the examination I am really worried and I know I am not pregnant?
Carol asked 5/5/2011 Why does my period keep coming earlier and earlier? I'm starting to get a little frustrated by it. Each month is a different day. I kept track and... February-25 March- 20 April- 15 May-5 I dont know why this is happening. P.S... Im 15 years old
Danielle Shipp asked 5/5/2011 I've started my period but my mother doesn't know and I don't know how to tell her. Everytime I get the chance to tell her I chicken out?
angel asked 4/23/2011 My last period was on April 4th 2011, my next period is on May 4th 2011, me and my boyfriend had intercourse April 23rd 2011, and my ovulation was on the April 22nd 2011. Can I still get pregnant?
sharon holland asked 2/11/2011 My periods only last 3 days at the most can i still get pregnant as i dont seem to fall pregnant?
kala woodworth asked 1/26/2011 I am leaking a clear watery odorless discharge from my vagina sorry tmi i know but it is white when it dries can anyone help me is this normal or what it is 5 days before i am due for my period?
hayley Garrison asked 12/20/2010 Im 15 years old and i haven't had my period in 3 months but i have never had sex so i know that im not pregnant, is it bad to not have your period for that long?
Lauren Schmidt asked 12/12/2010 I had protected sex twice. My period was late, but when I got it it was extremely heavy. My cramps were so painful they caused me to throw up multiple times and I filled two tampons within 3 hours. After that, my period became very light. Help?
JenZen Chow asked 12/5/2010 I'm scared in getting my girlfriend pregnant. We had unprotected intercourse 8 days before her period is due. I am worried in getting her pregnant. Please can anyone enlighten me with answers that this doesn't occurs any pregnancy to us?