Anonymous asked 7/29/2014 I've been having dreams about the same people for the past week. The people in my dreams are celebrities and in my dreams they play the characters that they are in their TV shows/movies. I usually appear as one of their girlfriends. What does it mean?
Tristan Ms. asked 7/25/2014 I have seen a black figure in the shape of a person twice...what does this mean?
Izzy SouthernGirl asked 7/19/2014 Why isn't that a lot of people don't believe in the paranormal? I find it all really interesting it is something I believe but that is just me.
Izzy SouthernGirl asked 7/19/2014 When we hear something and no one else does like if we hear our name called or someone say something what do you think it is? Is just in our heads or could it be our guardian angles trying to tell us something?
Nadia Jackson asked 7/18/2014 What does it mean to have a dream about someone you don't know? Last night I had a dream about someone with blonde hair who was named "hunter" and he was at our school.
Jessica Stewart asked 7/18/2014 My 8 year old son sees what he calls, shadow people. Usually he will see it while passing by a room, but today he seen one "running". what is it, what should I do, also what should I tell him?
Anonymous asked 7/2/2014 What does it mean when you dream of someone who died and is carrying a new baby?
Anonymous asked 7/2/2014 What does it mean when two people dream about each other, then they get back in touch the next day?
Roxiee Gater asked 4/20/2014 What does it mean if when I go to bed and get the feeling that somebody is going to scream down my ear?
Cristian Guerra asked 4/15/2014 My girlfriend has been haunted her whole life by apparitions and shadow people being in her house, I really care for her and I would do anything to have her sleep in peace every night. What can I do?