Anonymous asked 7/2/2015 I live alone and have for 15+ years. What does it mean when I actually believe someone is in bed with me and I actually talk with them ? Also, I will try and touch that person, then wake up, knowning there's no one there ! Thanks
Dani Colello asked 6/30/2015 I want to go to Salem Ma for my birthday. I wanted to know where I could look up / find the price to see how much it is (Salem witch trials) - it will be in October sometime?
ramya shanmugam asked 6/26/2015 Hi I had 3 dreams in a month where my elder sister is dead. Someone is informing me that situation and I am crying. Please answer what does it mean?
Leandri Scholtz asked 6/26/2015 I had a dream about a very handsome guy, there were a lot of people, my brother and cousins included. I have never met him before and somehow in the dream I felt a strong bond with him. What could that mean?
Chocolatey Goodness asked 6/26/2015 I've heard recently that the magical hours of sleep when your brain rids itself of toxins is between 10pm and 2am. Do you think that's true?
Armaghan Ali asked 6/24/2015 If you see someone in your dream just out of the blue, is it because they are thinking of you in their dreams too or is it just as random as this question?
Craig Marshall asked 6/22/2015 Does your town have a spooky myth or creepy story that only locals know about?
Awesome Autumn asked 6/19/2015 I always have a dream where I'm falling off a mountain. Any one know why?
Anonymous asked 6/17/2015 If someone said the word 'witch' to you, what kind of person does it make you think of?
Brittnee Roles itsbrittnee asked 6/13/2015 I had a dream about a boy last night. He was tall, brown hair, and really cute. It was kind of a sexual dream and I have no clue who this guy is. I'm a teenager so I don't know if it means I'll meet him? Please help!!
John Doe asked 6/11/2015 What are some superstitions that you've heard of? Just curious if there's some I have yet to hear!