Unique Success asked 3/7/2018 I lost a good friend 6 months ago. I've had my on and off days of depression. I know we can't be together anymore. How can I beat my depression permanently so that I can wake up in the mornings not feeling hurt?
Anonymous asked 3/2/2018 How do I get over a broken heart and my heart hearts from the way I have been rejected by a family member. Fortunately, they are moving to another state. Not someone I want a relationship with?
Megan Fisk asked 11/7/2017 I've had this hard small lump on the back of my right hand for months now, but it only just started being sore. It's fixed and next to it there is a rip and then something that feels like another small one?
Fernando Vasconez-Taylor asked 10/23/2017 So.e times after i exercise like running a mile a bad taste appears in my mouth it happens 3 to 5 minutes after exercise and feels like it coming from down my throat it goes away after a while why does this happen?
Anonymous asked 9/23/2017 I gotten an accidental stab wound on my head and I'm against hospitals there full of viruses constant headaches horrible pain swelling to the face lip discoloration etc is there anyway Someone can help me with tips to treat myself at home?
Anonymous asked 4/30/2017 Have you ever been through depression because of one sided love and ended up bieng in a friendzone ? how did you get over it?
Anonymous asked 2/17/2017 I don't really excercise, but after this dance my calves were really sore. The next day I went to another dance and when I woke up for school the next morning I could barely walk I was so sore. What are some quick ways to get rid of calve soreness?
Girl Here asked 1/2/2017 When I eat and then swallow the food. Why do I start having trouble breathing, to be able to breath I have to drink water. Yes, I have asthma. But is this from my asthma or something else? What does this mean?
Anonymous asked 9/22/2016 How do I make face paint not burn my skin? I'm wearing a costume this year that needs face paint and Ive already bought all of the pieces but the paint is burning my skin. How do I fix this?
Johnny Bravo asked 9/16/2016 I sprained my wrist and elbow about 4 months ago and only my elbow healed, my wrist still hurts (haven't been taking meds)?
Potato Person asked 9/2/2016 PLEASE HELP! Parakeet was bit on toe by lovebird about a week ago, swelling hasn't gone down, what can I do??!!
Atsuko Song asked 8/15/2016 Sounds stupid to be asking this here, but I just fell from my bike and it's clear my right kneecap took a blow. It hurts when I run, though I can walk or do anything else with little pain, is it cracked or anything?
HappyTo BeHereTo asked 8/9/2016 Do any of you have personal experience with hip replacement surgery? Were there any home modifications you or the patient found especially helpful? Pain relief beyond meds? I have the basic "what to expect" handouts, but would be grateful for any insights. :)