Davi peterson asked 12/15/2010 I'm having this sharp pain in my Larynx (body part located in the throat) when I swallow,chew,cough, sneeze, talk, and laugh. I have no trouble breathing. Does anyone have any diagnosis. P.s. It's not cancer?
Anonymous asked 10/26/2010 I have a burning and tingling in my left shoulder blade and also my neck hurts?
Anonymous asked 8/31/2010 What does a dark line running down your leg mean? I have a dark line on my leg and i want to know what caused it
Anonymous asked 7/27/2010 When I Lay On My Side At Night. I Have Pain In My Hip. So Bad That I Have To Turn Over. My Legs And Feet Throb And Hurt So Bad. Could This Be Fibromyalgia. I Just Came Off Cymbalta 1 Week Before The Pain Started?
pal nkher asked 6/21/2010 My Blood Test Shows AST(SGOT) 37.37, ALT(SGPT) 105.3, Cholestrol 252 And Creatinine 1.15. Will Anybody Pls Suggest Me If I Am Suffering From Liver Diseases As I Have Right Upper Abdomin Pain For Last Four Months. Pls Also Suggest Some Medicine..thks?
Anonymous asked 6/7/2010 My Lower Stomach Feels Like Its On Fire, When My Stomachs On Fire I Feel Like I'm Going To Throwup And I Have To Sit Down Or It Feel Worse, Why Is That?
Anonymous asked 5/21/2010 Which Of The Following Signs May Indicate Heat Exhaustion? A. Hunger, Fatigue, And Back Pain B. Muscle Cramps, Fatigue, And Lightheadedness C. Lethargy, Thirst, Nausea, Dry Skin D. Overexcitability, Inability To Sleep
Kt Z asked 3/23/2010 What Can You Do For An Enlarged And Painful Parotid Gland That's Caused By Sjogrens?