Anonymous asked 1/9/2015 I'm auditioning for an a capella group next Wednesday. For our audition, we have to sing about a minute of a song without music, any suggestions? I was thinking of doing Ashes and Wine by A Fine Frenzy, but I wasn't sure.
Ethan Baker asked 1/4/2015 I have a serious addiction to electronic music/dubstep. I am mostly impressed by Psycho Soup, a YouTube video, even though this is not an official song. Please explain why I am impressed by this?
nick willbur asked 1/1/2015 I am writing a girl a love song. I play guitar and I need some good guitar chords or picking patterns that sound good in an upbeat love song?
Anonymous asked 12/24/2014 Looking for a list of all 35 rpm singles released in 1966 and 1967 the hits and the ones that failed to make the top 100?
Anonymous asked 12/19/2014 Are there any schools that teach you how to play the violin, or any type of progams that can show you?
Anonymous asked 12/8/2014 Old song collaboration of a guy and a girl? I forgot how it went but its a song from maybe the late 1980's? 1990's? And it's a long song where they're basically finishing each others sentences and sometimes comes on the radio still. It's a love song.
Anonymous asked 10/25/2014 What are the song lyrics to "Take this heart" "Holding back the night, hiding from tomorrow"?