Aaron Middlebrook asked 6/12/2015 Has anyone noticed the rap songs that contain swear words, have been removed and replaced with other words?
Not Online Anymore asked 6/11/2015 In your opinion, what are the top 5 worst professional musicians and/or groups since the year 2000, in any genre?
Anonymous asked 6/3/2015 I am a very very beginner guitar learner,I have downloaded a famous music chord as a pdf file. How can I play it on my computer? http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=06218482206973432436
lover boy asked 6/3/2015 I keep hearing this song and I never remember the name to it. I found a vine which plays it. It's the second song. Any help?
Anonymous asked 5/31/2015 Who sings 'Love me right, love me all night, I want to love to love you, I want to kiss you, kiss you'?
Anonymous asked 5/16/2015 Whenever I sing I sound like I'm talking. How can I sing normally ? Here is the link for you to listen to https://mfi.re/download/kxbl7ksxru9egmm/Voice007.amr Beware it will hurt you ears!
Anonymous asked 5/9/2015 I'm thinking about switching instruments in college. I played Percussion for a while, i want to play Baritone Horn Treble Clef (I'm more familiar with Treble Clef then I am with Bass Clef) So do you think its a good idea?
Drummer Boy asked 5/9/2015 Why, when you play a B- Flat pitched instrument a written C is a B-Flat? It's confusing - can someone explain this to me?