Anonymous asked 3/11/2015 Over-The-Counter ED Medications? I can't currently afford a visit to the Doctor to be prescribed a prescription medicine to treat my condition, which is Erectile Dysfunction. What over the counter medicine is best for helping achieve an erection?
Anonymous asked 2/24/2015 I need to get rid of self harm scars. I have bio oil and limes. Which one works best and are there any other home remedies that work. Pls let me know thank you. (need them gone 2 week max)?
Anonymous asked 1/29/2015 I am 20 yrs. My problem is that my periods stays around for about a mont, and more than that. I would like to know what sort of problem I have and what should I do to get rid of it?
Anonymous asked 1/29/2015 Symptoms are shortness of breath, hard or bloated stomach, lack of appetite. no apparent pain. what could be the cause?
tariq tariq asked 12/26/2014 I take dicloran disperlet 50 mg in water (mixed) in the moning. After taking it I feel a burden in my stomach. What should I do?
marcella jones asked 11/28/2014 Considering the density of liquid methadone, how many cc's would be equivalent to 100 mg of liquid methadone?
Anonymous asked 10/22/2014 Serum for cholesterol testing (healthy individual) screening requires which proper shipping name or marking on the outer materials to comply with the IATA regulations?
Anonymous asked 8/22/2014 I have been off Cymbalta for about a month. I am having difficulty with anxiety more so now than when I first went off of it. Is there anything I can do to help it and does anyone know about how long this might last?
Jojan ga asked 6/3/2014 I have a fever every evening. Can't speak because of breath shortness and cough. Having antibiotic as prescribed by the ENT specialist for throat infection for last 4 days. Throat pain and fever is reduced but no change in other symptoms? What should I do?