Anonymous asked 8/19/2015 Non alcoholic fatty liver with high ferritin levels caused from and treatment is?
Anonymous asked 8/5/2015 OK this is a personal question. I live in the country and this morning I woke up with 3 bug bites on my well "under carriage" what kind of bug would it be?
Anonymous asked 7/23/2015 I'm in the UK going on holiday in the UK in a week for two weeks and four days: I am 7 days short on Keppra and cant get more while away: will my doctor give my prescription early?
Corey The Goofyhawk asked 7/21/2015 Hypothetically, what would the ramifications be of taking an antibiotic a second time that you were allergic to the first time?
Anonymous asked 7/12/2015 Can this cream be used under breast area that has a rash with bumps moisture and skin rawness used once?
Anonymous asked 7/2/2015 Is iodine poisonous? I know it's not when it's a little but how much is a little? Just came up in a discussion (I'm not considering drinking iodine, don't worry :) )
Nostalgic Minds asked 5/6/2015 Took 15mg blue Adderall pill and now I can't sleep. It was not prescribed and I feel fine, more relaxed, but I can't sleep - it's 2am. How long will the effects last and how can I maintain drowsiness at school afterwards?
Elory Chihuahua asked 4/19/2015 On the toilet I felt my poop coming out, heard it go in the toilet but can't see it. This has happened twice. Does it mean anything?
Hailey Hofsteadter asked 3/17/2015 I have a really sore throat and this is the 5th day out of school and I have tried cough drops, honey, aspirin, and this really nasty red liquid. What should I try next?
colleeen lyden colleen asked 3/12/2015 I had a CAT scan done on Tuesday morning. Drank two bottles of the banana contrast and a half a cup at the place. I received the blue dye in a IV. How long does it take to leave the body?