Chewed Bubblegum asked 10/18/2015 Anyone know the game Skyrim? I've basically completed the game and I want to start over because there's nothing for me to do, but its taken me a couple years to get to where I am..should I do it?
HelpStop AnimalAbuse asked 10/17/2015 Should the government ban the sale of violent video games/censor violent video games?
Corey The Goofyhawk asked 9/24/2015 Is there a good SciFi video game for PC where you command a starship on missions in space?
RIK RZ asked 9/13/2015 I asked if there are any gamers on Blurtit, now I wanna ask you what kind of games do you play? Any favourite franchises? favourite youtubers?
Rooster Cogburn asked 9/12/2015 Has anyone ever played the older game : Duke Nukem? If so, how did you like it?
Anonymous asked 9/11/2015 My boyfriend/baby father that I have been with for 3 years has been cheating on me, hiding things from me, telling other female that I'm obsessed with him. What does he mean by that? I thought he was showing me love, not leaning me on!