Emma Williams asked 2/3/2016 Shall I start playing Dragon Heroes? Is it better to download in Playstore or APK?
Sapphire's Edge asked 1/9/2016 For gamers, what is one of your favorite characters from a video game (playable or NPC)? Ex. Edward Kenway, Assassin's Creed.
Craig Marshall asked 1/7/2016 Has anyone every developed skills in real life from playing lots of video games?
Annie Colin asked 12/29/2015 What do you know about this online game Goddess of War? It's hot among my classmates.
Corey The Goofyhawk asked 12/14/2015 I have dedicated my gaming expertise to Skyrim: The Elder Scrolls. A friend told me to try some mods. What mods would you recommend?
Help Pls asked 12/7/2015 Minecraft Is Getting Boring.... It's not challenging anymore. How do I make it challenging?
Kristen Storm asked 11/20/2015 Any suggestions for either an X-Box one game or pc game to get my hubby for Christmas? He loves games like Forza (we already have Forza 6) and FPS
Daan Scatozza asked 11/20/2015 Any other type of attack than melee and ranged or at least something that is not exactly one of the two?