Saptarshi Mozumdar asked 5/27/2016 104kg 5'7 and 16 years old boy.Harmful? So , I m not unfit to begin with , i can do 25-30 pushups at a go , with ease , can do constant 40 jumping jacks , and i run fast. Is it completely necessary for me to lose weight?
Anonymous asked 5/24/2016 I intensely work out a particular myscle group two days in a row and its been a week and i am still not sore. What could cause that?
Anonymous asked 5/3/2016 when I lye on my side or do a pushup all my stomach centre like belly button area gets all this concentrated muscle just pushing out but at the sides it doesn't, so why arn't my abs covering the rest of my stomach sides?
Anonymous asked 4/16/2016 Im 15 years old...i will be 16 in one month..i was wondering is it true that weights stun your height?and how heavy weights should i lift at this age?
Mahnoor Ali Khan Yousufzai asked 4/3/2016 Why do I often feel nauseous after doing cardio in the morning?
Max Glazer asked 3/15/2016 How to lose weight successfully for a 14 year old? (I'm mostly interested in the food, I know all about excercise)
runner forlife asked 2/20/2016 How do you runners deal with shin splints if you are in the middle of a race?
Anonymous asked 2/19/2016 Does Exercise at Home Good/Bad ? I am planning to buy a Treadmill and I am trying to do workout at Home. is it good for me or bad?
mitsy castillo asked 2/17/2016 How can I lose 149.6 in a month?!?! okay so I weight 249.6lbs my height is 5'3 and I want to lose weight fast please help me