Dakota Mackenzie asked 8/31/2015 What do you do when the power is out? Mine is and I'm using the data on my phone, which is running low on battery life :p
Billy Mays asked 8/24/2015 I have to stay up till 1:00 in the morning for the next 14 days. Give me things to do, other than watch anime?
Tyson Evans asked 8/23/2015 Do you have any merch from your favorite game, movie, tv show..etc? If so, what? :D
Rooster Cogburn asked 8/21/2015 Who was your favorite comedian or comedy group or duo from the 60's through the 80's?
spunky monkey asked 8/21/2015 Name one thing you see from where you're at right now? Me it's King's pizza.
Neon Bumble Bee asked 8/14/2015 Are there any good talk shows similar to Dr. Phil or Tyra Banks Show?