Death Row Angel asked 9/29/2015 If you could change the past, what's one thing you would have done differently?
Gena Lorainne asked 9/25/2015 Please provide my with your irrelevant knowledge. Random facts you never get to use in real life, yet you memorised?
Rooster Cogburn asked 9/23/2015 I always got a kick out of Rodney Dangerfield, he was funny. Did you like him?
A. Housh asked 9/22/2015 Me and my best friend decided to dress up as Minnie and Mickey mouse for Halloween. Please help us decide on hair, makeup, and costumes?
maddie Messinger asked 9/20/2015 What do you like? (generally speaking) you can name one or a few things just try to be descriptive.
Jaimie JT asked 9/18/2015 My absolute favorite song right now is " I wish it was true " by the white buffalo.. What's something you wish was true ?
Vintage Vinyl asked 9/17/2015 I'm super bored, which is why I ask the question, what would you like to know about me?
Elle Taylor asked 9/16/2015 Anyone know any good shows or movies that may be available on Netflix? I'm also only 14, so don't give me sex and nudity filled movies or very graphic sexual TV-MA shows. Thanks!
gaig gaig asked 9/11/2015 Off the top of your head, name your favorite tv show, favorite move, color and music artist?