Melinda Moore asked 5/26/2013 Recent-published Swedish research indicates that employees are less productive, more stressed and more frequently unwell when they work in open-plan offices. Has this been your experience, or do you prefer to work in an open-plan environment?
Melinda Moore asked 5/18/2013 In the workplace, what motivates you most effectively, and what do you find demotivating?
Dan Banks asked 5/8/2013 How do you prefer to work? Would you prefer to have a 9-5 job or have flexible working hours?
Laurie Koon asked 10/19/2011 A friends daughter moved to Ohio fresh out of H.S. Got her first job at a convenience store, sold to a minor ! What charge is she looking at?
Paul Abraham asked 10/14/2011 Tell us about a time when you failed to meet a deadline(Health),what were the reprcussions?
John asked 10/1/2011 So if you just got a 2 dollar per hour raise but the dollar has been devalued ,did you really get a raise?
Maxine Chan asked 9/18/2011 My Mom Will Not Let Me Work At A Bar. What Is Wrong With Working At A Bar?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 8/15/2011 What do you think the jobs opportunities will look like in August 2012, a year from now? Will you still be employed or still be unemployed?
Lili Zubia asked 8/14/2011 What can/should I do if my boss called me a stupid bitch behind my back to all of my co-workers?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 8/13/2011 Do you believe that we should have more jobs in America? Then why do you hate the jobs makers?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 8/2/2011 Why don't we have enough people working to fulfill our necessary revenue obligations?
faria aslam asked 7/1/2011 What are the different career options after fsc (pre-med)? What should i do? Which field has scope? In pakistan .My marks r not good (65%)
Shanette McDaniel asked 6/28/2011 I am a licensed cosmotologists moving from SC to Houston,how do I get my license transferred?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 6/23/2011 Why won't the President take a position on Boeing Aircraft opening a plant in South Carolina, thereby creating thousands of jobs?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 6/23/2011 Why did Texas, from 2009 to 2011, create almost half the jobs created in the United States?