Anonymous asked 2/22/2014 Briefly state why you wish to join Qatar Airways or any of its subsidiaries?
KEE MOON ROH asked 2/4/2014 My employer doesn't pay me on time, doesn't pay overtime, I've never had a day off, I'm scared to have day off. What can I do?
Anonymous asked 1/18/2014 If you are a prior employee of Qatar Airways or any of its subsidiary companies, please include your employee number? - What does that mean?
Elesha Wildatheart England asked 1/4/2014 What's the most effective way to go about getting a pardon for a felony? My husband has a 13 year old felony a mistake being young and dumb.. He is a good man that deserves a second chance :(
Nicket Shirwaikar asked 12/16/2013 Which sales jobs have the highest possibility of regular international travel?
Anonymous asked 12/12/2013 It is a busy Saturday and you realize that a customer who just left the store did so without getting change back. He is due almost $20.00 back. What would you do?
Anonymous asked 11/29/2013 I tried to register on the edd web-cert and received this "The personal identification information provided is invalid." I am unable to proceed and not sure what the problem is. Does anyone know?
Anonymous asked 10/31/2013 What's the disadvantage and advantage of letting my co-wokers know what's on my mind?
Anonymous asked 9/16/2013 What does this mean: "If you are a prior employee of Qatar Airways or any of its subsidiary companies"?
Anonymous asked 8/7/2013 "If you are a prior employee of Qatar Airways or any of its subsidiary companies, please include your employee number?" - What does this question mean?