Anonymous asked 3/12/2018 If i used a very small amout of cocaine on friday and have drug test wensday will i pass or fail it?
zack leon asked 11/9/2017 If you're fat and you got loss of appetite as a medicine side effect is is the same power as if you are skinny or same?
Anonymous asked 2/10/2017 So I have been to a rehab for Drugs and I have completely abstained from using any sort of drugs now. But my problem exists with smoking. I haven't been able to stop?
Macauluy Culkin asked 9/5/2016 If someone smoke weed 2-3 times a week for about a year, and then quits, how long would it take to completely recover from the effects and rebalance the WHOLE system?
Thrice Gotcha asked 8/14/2016 what is fueling the drug epidemic in America, and what can be done to stop it?
annie neilson asked 6/14/2016 my boyfriend smoked weed for the first time 2 days ago, and ever since he's been feeling slow and feels like "a vegetable" and can't think properly. How long until this feeling goes away?
Smantha Brooks asked 5/26/2016 Will Donald Trump make Marijuana legal in all states of the United States?
Anonymous asked 5/26/2016 My 20 year old sister is using wax marijuana. I am worried about her and I want more information on the drug and how we can help her. She has been off lately and not sleeping, especially eating. Also she is anemic?
Firstname Refreshme lastname asked 1/20/2016 Is there an on line recent map that shows which countries currently have marijuana legalized?
Anonymous asked 1/5/2016 An overdose of this drug can cause breathing and heart problems that could result in death... what does this mean?
Jann Nikka asked 12/31/2015 Would you buy Heroin for a family member? No, I would not and never have, nor have I ever purchased "Illegal" drugs.