Anonymous asked 6/4/2014 My friend and I have smoked pot before and are thinking about trying Salvia. However, we have read that we would need a sitter and would prefer just being alone. Would you recommend just us two doing it or is a sitter that important?
Lisa Smith asked 3/6/2014 My niece passed away 4 months ago and we just got her toxicology report back and it said she had a fatal dose of hydromorphone 0.13ml in her blood. What dose would she have had to taken to get a blood level like that?
Chelsea Spengler asked 1/15/2014 Does anybody have the heart to answer about a drug addiction question about a loved one?
Anonymous asked 10/15/2013 If I took mephadrone on Saturday and I have a saliva test on tuesday will i pass? Been using listerine like mad.
Anonymous asked 9/8/2013 I shot up meth in my leg last weekend and I missed. Now I have a huge red bruise looking spot, and next Friday the 20th I have to take a drug test... Will I pass or fail if I stop using now? Since last weekend I have just been smoking it, not shooting up.