Jann Nikka asked 10/25/2016 I'm going to update my standards on dating. Here's a pic of my possible new man. Have you seen him, before?
Anonymous asked 10/25/2016 HELP ME! i fell asleep on the sofa yesterday and when I woke up I was the sofa!! HELP people keep on sitting on me and i don't know what to do! I wrote this with my mind. (ive had superpowers all my life btw)?
Sweet girl asked 10/25/2016 I like this guy, like a lot but he's really shy and I have a really hard time keep a convo going with him over text and I rarely see him in person and when I do it just a hi or hey. Any advise?
Anonymous asked 10/23/2016 I'm a sophomore in high school, and I have a hard time finding boyfriends and when I do there the worst guys, I'm young still but is it going to be like this when I'm older? If so can I fix it?
Steve En asked 10/21/2016 If a Canadian worked in India and had a family for 10 years or more, would that make it more likely that his spouse would be allowed to come to Canada? Sorry if this is very much similar to the other questions.
Kate Portch asked 10/21/2016 Mu boyfriend/baby dad pays for his personal bills but if i ask him to help pay household bills or kids needs i have to pay him back.. Even groceries. Is this normal.. What do i do?
Anonymous asked 10/20/2016 Why does my ex initiate conversations with me daily on Skype when we're no longer together?
Anonymous asked 10/18/2016 There is this girl who looks at me all the time but talks to everyone else besides me. She looks at me a ton but does not speak even though im right near her sometimes. What does this mean?
Anonymous asked 10/17/2016 Is it normal to fall in love with someone you haven't met in person? P.s. I've been speaking to this person for over a year.
celestina preston asked 10/16/2016 My boyfriends ex girlfriend died a few months ago and im sad about it but when i do something cute or say something cute he starts crying cause it reminds him of his ex. He tells me he doesnt miss her and that he forgot about her . what do i do?
Kelly Taylor asked 10/15/2016 I ended my relationship bc i felt like he kept choosing everyone over me I cut communication but he keeps saying that he wants to be friends I want to get back together but I cant figure out if he is really done with me or just wants a break?
Anonymous asked 10/15/2016 If your white and your dating a black guy and he just broke up with you for another girl how do you get him back?
Miaka Shin asked 10/13/2016 Is it weird when you feel comfortable with someone even though he lives far away from you, can feel each other's feelings and can read what is on each other's mind. And also do the same thing at the same time?
Anonymous asked 10/12/2016 What advice would you give a newlywed couple? Im doing a project for my best friend- please include your first name and where you're from!