Anonymous asked 11/24/2016 i love my wife but i have been feeling that something isnt right. I mentioned this to her and she had no response. What should i think or do to know why i feel this way?
Daniel Bergin asked 11/24/2016 If i feel like my wife is up to something but unsure what excatly. Am i causing her to feel differently by saying to her how i think something isnt right. Not accusing just stating a feeling im having?
Anonymous asked 11/22/2016 Boyfriend acted disrespectful and aggressive towards me during a fun afternoon of entertainment. I chose to distance from him. It wasn't anything physical. He hasn't called and I haven't called. Why should I be the one to call?
Anonymous asked 11/21/2016 Do guys like high heels on a first date? ~ ( P.S. I'm going to a resturant with my date, so it's okay if I wear heals )
Anonymous asked 11/21/2016 Going on a first date with my bestfriend/crush who also seems to have some feelings for me .. Any advice ?
Anonymous asked 11/20/2016 My boyfriend of 6 months cheated on me one time by making out with another girl. I believe him when he says that he won't do it again, even though I know what usually happens when you get back with a cheater. Should I get back together with him or no?
DA YUN asked 11/20/2016 Blurtit, what's the one corny pickup line that will get you a slap on the face?
Anonymous asked 11/18/2016 I have a huge huge crush on this man. I like him wayyy alottt for a very long time. Now I feel like he does too but I'm not sure. I also don't want to take first step. What should I do?
TroyDrew Blake asked 11/17/2016 My hands won't stop sweating when I'm holding hands with my boyfriend! How can I make my hands stop sweating?
N. Harmonik asked 11/16/2016 How would you counter someone who thinks that a female is obligated to give every male who desires her a chance, even ones she has no interest in?
Kelly Taylor asked 11/16/2016 How to make yourself get over an ex? its been over a month of no contact and im stuck on this crying stage. he doesnt want me back. Im tired of feeling sad all the time. help.
TroyDrew Blake asked 11/14/2016 I need a ship name with my boyfriend and I! My boyfriends name is Luke and my name is Troy, my friends are having a hard time finding a ship name for me and him. Do you guys have any ship names for us?
Anonymous asked 11/11/2016 Okay, I'm ugly. And obnoxious. And self centered... Sigh... What should/ can I do to get a guy to like me?
Anonymous asked 11/10/2016 Does one have to kiss with tongue? Or is there a 'more lips, less tongue' way?
Anonymous asked 11/7/2016 If a guy has no career or post secondary education. However, has a job and good head on his shoulders. Is he still marriage material?