Anonymous asked 10/28/2013 I REALLY like this guy but I don't know if he likes me. How do I find out without him knowing I like him or getting embarrassed by the whole school?
bharath kumar asked 10/28/2013 I proposed to a girl and I expressed all my feelings...but she is asking me to say something innovative. She wants me oto answer the question "how you are going to see me in future". What do I say?
Anonymous asked 10/28/2013 How do you prove to someone that you love them? (when they really don't really trust anyone as a result of having been crushed by an ex-boyfriend)
Anonymous asked 10/27/2013 I had homecoming last night and I grinded on a guy a few times and he got 'hard'. Does that mean he's attracted to me? Or that he's just a pervert?
Anonymous asked 10/27/2013 I really have a crush on some guy but he thinks I am annoying and immature.. What can I do OR SAY to make him think I'm not annoying? I would really like things that I can say to him like "Oh well thats nice" stuff like that, I don't know how though....
Shannah Hall asked 10/27/2013 What does it mean if every time you and your boyfriend are around each other both of your eyes turn green and pupils get bigger even though green isn't your natural eye color?
Kate Alic asked 10/24/2013 Okay, so I like this guy and he asked me (on Fb) to make out with him but I'm so scared of it. He made out with tons of girls and I made out with one guy and I'm so insecure in my "skills". I don't know what to do. I'm gonna see him in class tomorrow. What should I do?
Jackson Hurley asked 10/24/2013 I am 13 and I am In a relationship with this really beautiful girl. I really like her and she really likes me. I want to kiss her sooo bad. How, when, and where should I kiss her?
Brian Scott asked 10/22/2013 What is a good 'opening line' when trying to talk to a girl? I want something other than asking 'what they do' or questions like that, but also not something that will make me sound creepy or strange
Anonymous asked 10/22/2013 If you break up with someone and they get with someone else, what does it mean if I feel all weird - like angry at the fact someone else will be with them in the same way I was?
Anonymous asked 10/21/2013 I like this guy but he has a girlfriend. But yesterday we were talking about sex and stuff like that for 12 hours straight! What do I do?
sun flower asked 10/19/2013 Why is it that many people say that love is wonderful but sometimes it ends up hurting you? And why do people continue to get hurt (in love) over avoid getting hurt?
Anonymous asked 10/18/2013 I have this huge crush on this guy at office.He matches too perfectly to what I frame my future husband as.But the prob is he never initiates a convo Should I go ahead or should I cut it to avoid complications?
Anonymous asked 10/18/2013 There is this guy online that I like. Please don't think I'm stupid for this, but I feel that I love him. But my parents won't let me talk to him bece he lives in another continent and he's black and I'm white. Is this a sin?
Sofia Jones asked 10/17/2013 Why are people against gay marriage? I respect everyone's opinion, I'm just curious as I don't understand why anyone would be against it.