Anonymous asked 7/10/2013 What's the best way to get revenge at an ex and his new partner? I don't want to do anything too serious, but I want to show them how much I've been hurt.
Anonymous asked 7/6/2013 So, I started dating this guy and we haven't had sex yet. But I'm kind of putting off the subject because I would be his first... But, he's not mine... by a long shot. I don't even know how to start going about this... any tips?
Anonymous asked 6/30/2013 Why can't love and affection last forever? I love the dating part - when you just want to hold and kiss them all the time, but I'm afraid of marriage because I see so many broken marriages where people get bored and don't have the same affection anymore. Is this normal?
Anonymous asked 6/29/2013 My boyfriend wants to kiss me bu I've never kissed anyone before and I'm scared. What should I do?
Anonymous asked 6/26/2013 I broke up with a boy a year ago, and he hates me but i'm still not over him and I miss him. What should I do?
Anonymous asked 6/24/2013 I told my guy friend who I met about a month ago that I love him but as a friend because he wants to have more than just a friendship. Was this the right thing to do?
Anonymous asked 6/23/2013 My boyfriend swears at me and says that I dont care about him? We fight, and he wants to break up, 30 minutes later he wants to be together. He criticizes everything I like: music, style, plays the martyr… I don't know what to do! Any advice?
Anonymous asked 6/23/2013 There's this guy I have a big crush on and he's a year older but he thinks I'm a cool girl. The thing is, I don't know if he likes me or not, and also I play football with him and I'm scared the guys will think I only joined to get with guys. What should I do?
Anonymous asked 6/22/2013 My mom has been diagnosed with, leukemia and has cancer behind her heart and other places. She has lost so much weight, and now her face has started swelling up. First it was her eye, and now she has bumps all over her face and her lips. What's happening to her?
Anonymous asked 6/21/2013 Why would a 40 something married guy never ever mention his wife on his facebook page. He has no photos of her and no relationship status but plenty of himself and his friends?
Anonymous asked 6/20/2013 What should I do if I hear somebody saying that my boyfriend has a another girl?
Anonymous asked 6/19/2013 If you wanted a divorce but can't find the other partner, can you still get a divorce?
Anonymous asked 6/17/2013 If Justin Bieber asked you to smell and lick his feet after a concert would you do it?