HappyTo BeHereTo asked 10/7/2017 When you were a kid, what was the name of your favorite stuffed animal?
HappyTo BeHereTo asked 10/4/2017 Did you have a special place to be alone as a child? (I'd go into the woods behind our house, and just enjoy all the life around me.)
Anonymous asked 9/4/2017 Is it legal to pop a tantrum throwing 10 year old with a belt in the state of Florida if talking and reasoning isn't working?
HappyTo BeHereTo asked 8/26/2017 Old Yeller is dead!!! What childhood story scarred your tender little psyche?
Anonymous asked 8/2/2017 I'm pregnant with my 4th child, My first bundles of Joy were named Nehemiah and Jeremiah ( twins). Then, I had a daughter we named her Josephine. Now we are trying to figure out if we should call our last child charlotte claire or claire charlotte?
Jada Shakira Webster asked 4/6/2017 When is my child old enough to start performing her own rituals? (I'm raising a pagan family) She is 10
Jada Shakira Webster asked 3/4/2017 What should I do if my child thinks she's having a heart attack? Btw she looked up the symptoms as soon as her chest started hurting
pretty girl asked 1/9/2017 The father of my child is suppose to be paying child support can he sign his rights over and if he does will he still have to pay child support or not?
Anonymous asked 11/30/2016 Why when parents try to hit their children causing the child to raise their hands defensively and cower do they irately demand that the child put their hands down to be struck even with angry fists?
Yin And Yang asked 11/29/2016 What is something one of your young kids said that was so cute it actually made since?
Yin And Yang asked 11/28/2016 Have you ever had any of your adult children hit a rough time and have to come back to live with you?
Anonymous asked 11/13/2016 Were you ever told to "Stay in a child's place" growing up and do you believe it is still relevant?
Yin And Yang asked 11/11/2016 To all you parents with adult children..... Did you just "know" or have a feeling the one your child chose to marry was gonna be the one they chose to marry?
johnny hernandez asked 11/9/2016 Who you rather be proud of a daughter who is a veterinarian and animal science professor or a daughter who is a stripper and is more like Amy Fisher type?
Anonymous asked 11/8/2016 What is your opinion on hormonal teens striking their parent while throwing a temper tantrum or in the throes of a rage, cardinal sin or forgivable?
Yin And Yang asked 11/5/2016 Did you ever buy your children (nieces and nephews) toys from their favorite cartoons? What were they?
Anonymous asked 10/16/2016 Is making a kid kneel in the corner as punishment for a couple of hours seen as abusive from an American perspective even though you aren't beating the kid?