Jann Nikka asked 6/9/2016 Is it possible for a parent to over pay child support, if the child lives 18yrs with the custodial parent? Non- custodial parent visited 3 to 4 times in 18 years.
Anonymous asked 5/17/2016 describe in detail the steps you take when guiding the behavior of children of various different ages?
Luna Lily asked 4/21/2016 Is it ethical for controversial subject matter to be depicted in shows geared towards children? I vote yes, I just wanted to know everyone's opinions.
Anonymous asked 4/20/2016 How likely do you think it is that changing daycare centers frequently will negatively impact attachment?
Jann Nikka asked 4/14/2016 If you're 55 and over, have you spent all your children and grandchildren's inheritance😛?
Andrew Mcquillin asked 3/24/2016 Hey everyone i have a question my daught is 51 inches tall and weighs 74lbs....she is active but she has a little belly.....you can really notice it when she sits down....im worried and need peace of mind?
PJ Stein asked 3/22/2016 A 12 yr. old girl pinched a boy on the bottom at school. The resource officer asked the boy if he wanted to press charges and he said no. The boy's mother found out and insisted the girl be arrested for battery. Do you feel the mother went to far? The school had already suspended the girl.
Andrew Mcquillin asked 3/16/2016 So last week i had a check up for my 8 year old daughter and she is 53in or 4'5 and weighs 76lbs is this normal for a child her age?
Anonymous asked 3/16/2016 I just had a check up for my 8 yr old daughter and she is 4'5 and weighs 76lbs is this normal?
Krysta Vera asked 3/14/2016 Hello, this is for all the people with little ones , I am doing a project and looking for answers by kids to the question " what would you do if you were tall", please reply with the children's answer?
Thrice Gotcha asked 12/23/2015 If you had two children one was very intelligent driven motivated and productive the other one was lazy obnoxious unproductive and a problem causer would you love them the same and how would you treat them differently?
Anonymous asked 12/20/2015 Would like opinions from parents who use or would use a childminder. How would you feel about your childminder nursing their baby or toddler around your children?
otis otiscambell asked 10/28/2015 Did you have a nickname when you were younger? If so what was it? Mine was throttle