Anonymous asked 7/16/2015 Can I help my kitten 14 wks old who's eye infection got worse because my dumb mother put peroxide against my wishes in his eyes? He's going to vet tomorrow, just want to see if I can help bring down the irritation?
Alize Townsend asked 7/14/2015 Why is my cat acting so out of character? I've had her for 14 years and shes always been very independent but recently shes been very needy, and meowing A LOT for no apparent reason. Why could this be? Is she getting senile? :^S
Anonymous asked 6/22/2015 My cat bit my sister in her toe and now she wants it out of the house. What should I do? Both of my parents are also allergic!
Anonymous asked 6/10/2015 My kitten is lying on her belly of the floor, with her hind legs extended out. Is there something wrong?
Anonymous asked 6/8/2015 My cat is still barley eating and is just sleeping. He moves from two diffrent spots but just sleeps and I can't afford to take him to the vet. Also he can't keep his head up even if I lift it. There is some kind of yellow substance coming from his butt?
Aubrey Goans asked 5/19/2015 I have baby kittens at home that are about two-three days old!!! Am I able to pick them up or pet them???
courtney winters asked 5/5/2015 My kitten is 4 ¾ weeks old and she has really hot pads (bottom of paws) and they seem to bleed some times. I'm scared and don't know what to do cause I just lost her brother this morning. Can you help me?
Megan goodgirl asked 4/8/2015 My cat stays in the bathtub a lot. I assume he likes it there. is that normal? is he happy there?
Jesses Girl asked 3/26/2015 My male cat just got back from the vet, he got fixed. He is really sleepy and just wants to lay around. He is usually very cuddly and begs for attention but all he wants to do is sleep. Is this normal?
Cyber Tooth Tiger asked 3/26/2015 Can two brother kittens live together once they become adult cats if they are both neutered, or will they not get along?
Deborah McPherson asked 3/19/2015 My cat has sores all over her body. Her hair is falling out all around the sores. We tried derma-ionx, vitamin E&C, aloe vera, benadryl for the itching. What should I do?
Anonymous asked 3/13/2015 I'll take my cat to vets in morning - she has worms. What can I do meanwhile