Raven Mouse asked 2/13/2016 My three yr old cat recently started humping our year old female, both unfixed. That's fine, but she started sitting on my arm while I try to sleep and she'll knead or kick me with her back or front legs. Is she trying to have sex with my arm?
Anonymous asked 2/12/2016 My cat hasn't been hanging around my house. A man who is infatuated with me (also male who I have rejected) has been threatening my cat. What do I do?
steven steven asked 12/2/2015 My cat is 4 months old, I gave her otc worm medicine she's losing weight losing, control of her bowels, and she is weak in rear legs. I am very poor and have no money, can somebody please save my baby kitty?
Didge Doo asked 11/28/2015 If men are from Mars, women are from Venus, and dogs are from Pluto, where the heck do cats come from?
Matt Radiance asked 11/22/2015 Someone just gifted me a cat! a baby girl! I decided to keep her, but I'm wondering about her name, is there any name you have in mind? Give me all your ideas! Thanks.
Walt O'Reagun asked 11/17/2015 What do you think of the "stray" cats walking across the stage of the G20 Summit? Is this evidence that, since Ancient Egypt, cats ... not the Masons, Illuminati, or Knights Templars ... but cats, have been the rulers of our planet?
Evelyn Eve asked 10/25/2015 Hello. My cat gave birth today in the morning, but she only had 1. Is that fine or not. Please help?
Glenda McClelland asked 10/3/2015 There are a lot of feral cats in our neighborhood. Here lately I have noticed that some of the cats are walking around as if they are drunk and progress to the point that they can not use their hind legs to walk. Some try to walk and fall down. Why?
Anonymous asked 10/3/2015 We are wanting to adopt and give a loving home to a baby kitten or small kitten we are in the Aberdeenshire AB39 of Scotland. Who can help?
Anonymous asked 9/17/2015 My litter of kittens were abused by my brother's friend (he is 10 and is well aware of what he does) and my litter became from very active to leaning against the wall being curled up into little balls, what can I do to help them gain confidence again?
Anonymous asked 9/10/2015 My cat hasn't eaten in 3 days, and he sleeps all day and night, as well as his mood being cloudy. Why is this?