Anonymous asked 9/18/2017 If I drank 5 airplane bottles Saturday will I pass a breathalyzer on Monday at 10AM?
Anonymous asked 9/18/2017 If i drank 4 airplane bottles on Saturday night will I pass a breathalyzer on Monday AM by 10AM?
lisa sanchez asked 11/2/2016 is there any kind of scale one can use to determine how long any alcohol takes to leave the system?
Anonymous asked 3/22/2016 Does anyone know if Sarasota FL County does ETG alcohol testing when random tests are ordered on probation?
Saw Saw asked 2/14/2016 If I drank two margaritas on Monday and took an etg alcohol test Friday did I pass?
Anonymous asked 9/11/2015 If a 120 lbs woman drinks 2 bottles of wine in 4 hours. How long does it take to blow .00?
Anonymous asked 7/10/2015 I was wondering, If you are 96 pounds haven't eaten in a couple of days due to emotional break downs, and have never drank any alcohol before - will one shot of vodka have any effect?
Anonymous asked 6/18/2015 How long does a 12 pack of Labatts blue stay in my girlfriend's system. She weighs 110lbs?
Anonymous asked 6/18/2015 If my girlfriend drinks a 12 pack of 5.25% of beer on a friday night from 7pm to 3 am and doesn't drink anymore . By the time monday at 9am comes will she pass a pee test?
Anonymous asked 5/27/2015 If I drank 4 beers Saturday and I drank 4 on Monday will I pass a drug test that will get sent into the lab on Friday night. I am 6 foot 1 190 lbs. I am in good health and excercise three to four times a week?
Anonymous asked 4/3/2015 I had pint of vodka and after 72hours I took a u.a test. Am I going to pass the test?
Anonymous asked 1/23/2015 Not sure on UA test type but if I drank an estimated 6, 16oz beers Saturday from 12 PM-5 PM and took a UA Monday at 8:30am... Being a 5'2' and 130 lb female, would I pass?
Anonymous asked 11/20/2014 I drank two beers today and got to go see my p.o Friday. Would it be out my system?