Anonymous asked 11/6/2014 I drank a 750ml bottle of wine 64 hours ago. What are my chances of passing an ETG urine test?
Anonymous asked 11/1/2014 I've had 4 bottles of Budweiser between 10pm-12.30pm. How long does it take to come out your system?
Anonymous asked 4/21/2014 Does drinking 1 teaspoon of bleach diluted in 1-2 liters of water guarantee a pass on a 12 panel etg urinalysis?
Anonymous asked 4/17/2014 I drank 10 beers,and 36 HRS later had to provide an EtG UA for work. I took a detoxifying drink Wednesday, drank 20+ bottles of water, Cranberry Juice, Coffee, Mt. Dew, tea... and urinated dozens of times. I have to read below <500, will I pass?
maygen mayphil asked 4/6/2014 I used alcohol once in the past 90 days. I have been informed that I will receive a hair follicle test. Will my one time usage show up on this test?
jean hunsucker asked 3/27/2014 Can a person pass an etg after 24 hours by drinking a gallon of water before testing along with drinking creatine?
Anonymous asked 3/19/2014 If I drank 1 beer on Sunday at 3:00 and had an etg urine test on Monday at 4:00, ( I am a female, weigh 180 lbs) will I pass?
Anonymous asked 1/9/2014 I had about 25 shots of vodka. Will I be safe passing an etc urine test 72 hours later after beginning that session?
Jennifer Turner asked 9/21/2012 I am curious as to weather or not the sweat patch can be contaminated by your pardner? For example, if your pardner drinks and sweats during the night and gets up against you, will this cause a positive reading?