The two moderators were let go or quit, I'm not sure which. There is very little moderation now and spam is just left to sit and some days there is page after page of spam to wade through to get to some questions. Many have given up on this site and others don't spend as … Read more
chicken and waffles I can eat that stuff all day long
In virginia it's about the low seventies with low humidty
saying that I need to go help my grandfather because it's true becuase he always has somehting for me to do
that media is shady as ****
Maybe super high tech augmetntions for people who have lost limbs in warfare
blue and black
The chronicles of Riddick
I don't have kids
understand english so when I tell it to be queit it does
Wow I'm just done with the people in this county you can't stand for people who probaly don't have legs who fought for you, you should fight for your country and see how it is