My NAMES kASSANdRA iM 16 ANd i liVE iN MidlANd iM A VERy OUtGOiNG PERSON ANd i tAlk AlOt WhEN yOU GEt tO kNOW ME i dONt tAkE MESS fROM ANybOdy SOO WAtCh WhAt yOU tEll ME
1. look at 5.
2. that was supposed to say 9, look at 9.
3. oops look at 7.
4. i am soo sorry look at 10.
5. sorry look at 3.
6. wow wrong again look at 4.
7. what i wanted to say was look at 12.
8. just wanted to say hi. (:
9. calm down i meant 11.
10. still here? look at 2.
11. i promise this is the last time i will do this look at 8.
12. i bet your really mad look at 6.
post this on your profile if you love to piss people off. (: