Maddie voted up Sarah Johnson's answer
If you don't like yourself, than no one else will either. My Brother in law would be pretty upset if his wife got rid of her freckles, he thinks they're awesome.
Maddie voted up Arthur Wright's answer
I wonder why? Let's see here, here's a girl that doesn't like herself very much as she thinks she's ugly and fat, and if she doesn't like herself, how can she expect someone else to? You have to love yourself first before anyone else ever will and guess what, the freckles are probably here to … Read more
Maddie answered Chloe Bishton's question
But that isn't a lie. I'm just saying, different guys have different preferences - say, a guy likes a girl's personality while another enjoys her looks the most, or how she talks, or how she communicates. For freckles, I suggest makeup. Like liquid cover up or powder stuff at CVS Pharmacy or Kroger's. I don't … Read more
Maddie answered Confused Girl's question
Good question. Normally if you're a girl hugging a guy, you'll wrap your arms around their neck.. But if you're a girl hugging a girl, you guys embrace each other the same way. Guys.. Haha not sure. They have all sorts of things these days.. And height has something to do with it too. If … Read more
Maddie answered Alaa Starlly's question
Usually the case is that they don't feel safe with boys anymore because you know, boys hurt girls, either physically or emotionally --- and girls rarely lose a best friend, and even at that, it's over a guy. Confused girls decide oh, look at what a better life I'll have if I date her! She's … Read more
Maddie voted up Buzz ross' answer
Make him dump you. Just don't tell anyone! Trust me! Make your self seem all depressed and not wanting to talk or CRAZY or really gross. :)
Maddie voted up Kage Killed's answer
Well first of all you need to consider if you really want to break up because if you did and later start having second thoughts you might regret it. Also the most important thing to know about us guys WE HATE GETTING DUMPED so if your boyfriend is an anger freak you ABSOLUTELY NEED TO … Read more
Maddie answered Chloe Bishton's question
If someone yells at you and you don't know why, simply ask them what you did wrong and say you'll do it better the next time. If they yell at you for almost no reason, just ignore them and put them in the back of your mind and hold your chin up. This is really … Read more
Maddie voted up strawberry turtle's answer
Find out what your grandmother is looking for when she scolds you and do it. Perfection is in the eye of the beholder, hence why so many people marry the "perfect" person.
Maddie voted up Sarah Johnson's answer
Perfect by whose standards? Everyone has a different idea of what perfect is? Perhaps your grandmother doesn't yell at you because of you not doing it right, but because of some issues in her life that she's never dealt with. My mom was much that way too.
Maddie answered Anonymous' question
Because when you sleep, your muscles relax and since you're sitting down already, your head is the first one to go and your neck relaxes. But just like your body twitches when you try to fall asleep at night sometimes, the neck tries to hold the head up again, giving you an alarmed feeling and … Read more