Please, Trevorhorn, go to my questions and see what you can do to answer my questions.
They have found all the chemical building blocks needed to make life forms like us and what appears to be weird discoloration in some rocks I.E. Unconfirmed fossils but no direct evidence. They would have a better chance looking in caves.
On August 6, 2012 a Martian lander probe will activate live on the NASA channel and begin the process of finding life-forms on Mars.
We know life exists there from all the evidence, but we have not actually seen a "life-form" yet.
Right now, we are simply digging in the dirt for bacteria, but it … Read more
Suppliment to the 1st answer. The civil war began in 1776 and has never ended. We have "Bloodless" ones every 2, 4, and 6 years. It's called voting.
Yes it is. I will reinforce your point.
Good one and it can't be disproved so "thumbs up"
Due to Chaos theroy you will get 2 answers. Pholosiphy: The unisverse exists due to its Birth from another entity. We are very much a part of this universe and were created by it to bare witness to it as well as contribute our energy, "THOUGHT" to it. Yes I do believe the universe is … Read more
Lightning is the transfer of static electricity between the ground and the sky. The thunder is the sonic boom it makes from the discharge. If you want a more detailed answer about how the process starts and stops, just ask.
1st look at your assets. Do you do your chores or have any? Do you help around the house? If so you have an advantage. Doing chores shows responsibility. Tell them you want a dog to help you be more responsible as an adult and future caretaker of others including your future children. If they … Read more
Although I see the world VERY different from others, I am compelled to answer this question for I do understand the importance of The Bible.Planting of the seeds and their harvist can been taken to any level.1. Farmers."Know the seed you plant so you know the crops you harvest."2. Schools plant the seeds of knowledge … Read more
Currently a British Pound Note is worth $1.65 American as of 06/22/12. So 10 million British Pounds is worth 16.5 Million American. The currency markets always fluctuate. (If you have that much of a fortune go enjoy life with the benefit of such wealth and power).