straight "A" student...ok...with two B's... ,HONOR ROLL!,great family, love to make friends, I love twilight! haters make people stronger (hint hint: dont hate :-] ) dont be afraid to ask me something im pretty nice.... lol im the nicest person ever! jk im not conceided like that or shallow at all I would love to talk to new people so send me shouts! Mexican, brown hair, brown eyes, wavy hair....boring...just giving u an extra chance to brother has blurtit too! never say never! i love to talk to people and look on the brite side of things! why the heck be mad when u can be glad! lol thats pretty cheesy but oh well
PUT ON SMILE ON YOUR FACE!....i dont know the rest of the song! lol
if you REALLY wanna get to know me...listen to THE MIDDLE by JIMMY EAT WORLD....that song is basically me...never give up and look on the bright side and super wierd and clumsy and corky!... i except everyone for what and who they can be yourself with me, i dont judge...PEACE OUT SUCKA! :)

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