You might have heard people saying, “I am unable to fit in my favorite dress!” or “I have to attend a marriage next week, but I look so fat!” Well, the point is to highlight the fact that we all have had experienced situations in which we need to do a rapid weight loss. … Read more
A recent study conducted by the University of Kentucky found that 40% of the 14,000 men who took part in a study, wanted a thicker and longer dick. I read an informative write up on “How to Increase Penile … Read more
Top Sources Of Vitamin C
Here is a list of top 10 foods which contain Vitamin C and should be included in your daily diet.
It is alright if you are having it once in a while. You can read 11 Everyday Habits That are Pushing You Towards Diabetes on zovon.
There are many anti aging products recommended by top dermatologists, skincare coaches and make-up artists. These products can dramatically change your skin’s appearance, on regular use.
Wrinkles are one of the aging signs that comes with age. It is absolutely natural and no one can deny it. But, it is a problem when it appears before the time. Unhealthy lifestyle leads to these early aging signs. But one can delay these aging signs with the help of some … Read more
According to WHO, body mass index (BMI) is a term that is used for accurately classifying overweight and obesity. It is defined as the ratio of a person’s weight in kg to the square of his height in meter (kg/m2).
If you want to know … Read more
Starving is a bad idea! It is certainly not a solution to lose weight. In fact, Fasting Diets Can Increase the Risk of Diabetes, Research Finds. So, experts always recommend natural and effective ways to lose weight. You can follow effective … Read more
Aging is a time-dependent process which results in continuous changes in the body that are associated with increased susceptibility to diseases and ultimately death. In a human being, it brings about physical, psychological and social changes. Growing evidence now suggests that aging is actually the effect of all … Read more
My doctor have recommended me antioxidants that fights early skin aging. Antioxidants are the remedy that can restrict signs of aging. These substances have the potential to inhibit … Read more
Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person experiences high blood glucose levels either because the body produces inadequate insulin or the body cells do not respond properly to the insulin produced by the body.
Patients with diabetes often experience frequent urination (polyuria), increased thirst (polydipsia) and increased hunger (polyphagia). Read … Read more
Waistlines across the globe are increasing. In 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults were found to be overweight, out of which, around 650 million were found to be obese. This happens due to accumulation of excessive fat in the body.
Obesity is different from being overweight, which simply means weighing too much that it starts … Read more
I would suggest yoga because it works on both mind and body and it has countless benefits. I strongly believe people need to understand its importance. I read "21 Yoga Poses for Anti Aging – Yoga Turns the Clock Back" and found it really interesting. I also came across “15 Anti-Aging Health Benefits of Yoga”. … Read more
The treatment of early aging signs like fine lines and wrinkles is necessary as it deteriorates your skin texture and degrades your overall appearance. There are many methods available for treating them. Mesotherapy, dermal fillers and botox are to name a few of these cosmetic treatments that are very popular these days. However, these always … Read more
If you want to lose weight in just 7 days, you should stickily follow this weight loss workout regimen
It is important for all of us to know everything about ADHD – Facts, Symptoms, Causes, Prevention and Treatment. Drugs may be prescribed to those with ADHD. There are different medications used to reduce symptoms of ADHD that include methylphenidate, dexamfetamine, lisdexamfetamine, atomoxetine and guanfacine, to name a few. These medications may not be able … Read more