i have tried to get pregnant in the past also, the best tip is to track your period on your phone that also tracks your fertile times, you can see using an app when your fertile the most. If you still have trouble after a month or 2 maybe see a doctor to make sure … Read more
I read that the dextromathorathan, the ingredient in cough syrup is good for that. Don't know how true it is, I didn't have a problem, but how much does cough syrup cost? Compared to IVF treatments? Seems to me, its worth the try. Let me know if it works!
Another thing too. If yor overweight, try … Read more
I think you can call yourself bi because you're still attracted to a being with a penis
Call a psychic, find out if it's evil. If it is get the place exorcised have your son stay at someones place for a while until it's safe