Lelo Mnisi asked 10/1/2017 How do immigrants keep themselves grounded in their culture when their cultural values are being challenged?
Lelo Mnisi asked 9/29/2017 how does the cultural assimilation effect your home life when you are around immigrates that have retained their culture?
Lelo Mnisi asked 9/29/2017 Separation is the opposite case, where individuals avoid interactions with a new society while holding on to their original culture?
Lelo Mnisi asked 9/29/2017 How do you keep yourself grounded in your culture when your cultural values are being challenged?
Lelo Mnisi asked 9/25/2017 How do immigrants negotiate two cultures and modify their practices in a new cultural context?
Lelo Mnisi asked 9/25/2017 Do the families of highly educated immigrants generally have an easier time adapting to the new environment of the host country?
Lelo Mnisi asked 9/24/2017 how do immigrants think of their identity with respect to both cultures and why??