You go back to your doctor and ask him/her the questions you have. We don't know you or your medical history, but they do. Write down all the questions that you have so that when you have your appointment, you will have your questions ready. If you don't trust this doctor, find another one. It … Read more
As Danae said, you need to go back to your doctor, or if you don't trust your current doctor, see someone else. You need to tell them everything.
Keep a diary of when this happens including date, time, how long, symptoms, what you were doing at the time, and anything else that you think might be … Read more
You do as your doctor says, You find things to do that are that are calming. And you hope, pray or help find a way to help your heart get stronger. Yu ca always get a second opinion.
Top athletes have a pulse that low. For most people it's a good thing. If yours is that low because of illness then you need to do what your doctor advises. He'll know far more about how to help you than anonymous posters on the Net.